Profiling Programming Language Learning

Year-long experiment on programming language learning, using quizzes to improve understanding and retention.

Will Crichton

Shriram Krishnamurthi


January 2, 2024


Major Findings

  1. Profiling the process of learning a programming language with interactive quizzes can provide valuable insights into the challenges learners face, the characteristics of effective quiz questions, and interventions that can improve the learning process.
  2. Many readers drop out of the learning material early when faced with difficult language concepts, such as Rust’s ownership types.
  3. Better quiz questions focus on conceptual understanding rather than syntax or rote rules, and interventions targeting difficult questions can significantly improve quiz scores.

Experiment Design

  • The study used The Rust Programming Language as the learning platform and added interactive quizzes to gather data on individual challenges faced by learners.
  • Design goals of the experiment included richness of data, scale of participation, and simplicity of infrastructure, with a focus on intrinsically motivating participation without requiring compensation for participants.

RQ1. Reader Trajectories

  • Most readers do not complete the book, with difficult language concepts serving as common drop-out points.

RQ2. Quiz Question Characteristics

  • High-quality quiz questions focus on conceptual understanding and are more discriminative.

RQ3. Interventions

  • Interventions improving questions based on theory of learners’ misconceptions led to a +20% average improvement in quiz scores.

RQ4. Generalizability

  • The quizzing methodology could work with languages with smaller user bases, with relatively low error around N=100.


The paper provides valuable insights into the process of learning programming languages and offers practical implications for improving learning resources. However, potential limitations include the focus on a single programming language and the use of self-reported justifications for quiz responses, which may introduce biases. Additionally, the generalizability to other programming languages may need further validation.

Suggestions for Improvement

  • Validate the findings in diverse programming language learning contexts to ensure broader applicability.
  • Consider alternative methods for gathering data on justifications for quiz responses to minimize potential biases.


Model gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
Date Generated 2024-02-26
Truncated False
Word Count 3045