Overview of Dialogue Robot Competition 2023

DRC2023 competition tested advanced real-time dialogue robot performance with a human-like android in challenging travel agency tasks.

Takashi Minato

Ryuichiro Higashinaka

Kurima Sakai

Tomo Funayama

Hiromitsu Nishizaki

Takayuki Naga


January 7, 2024

Major Takeaways

  1. Dialogue Robot Competition 2023 (DRC2023) was designed to advance dialogue systems for interactive robots, pushing teams to effectively use real-time information and challenge the capabilities of large-scale language models (LLMs).
  2. The competition’s preliminary round was held at actual travel agency stores, catering to the practicality of evaluation and encouraging the use of advanced technologies in real-world settings.
  3. Teams were provided with android robots and access to middleware, face recognition, speech synthesis, dialogue corpora, and recognition systems to support the development of their dialogue systems.


The paper introduces the significance of dialogue development for humanoid robots and the evolution of voice interactive devices, emphasizing the need to effectively use multimodal input/output information, especially real-time information. DRC2023 is highlighted as the first competition for dialogue performance of android robots, following previous competitions in travel agency dialogue tasks.

Task Settings

DRC2023’s task was to help customers plan visits to multiple sightseeing spots, requiring dialogue systems to listen to customer requests, propose feasible plans, and gather necessary information. The teams were provided with information about the sightseeing spots and allowed to use external resources. The dialogue was conducted in Japanese, and teams could use a monitor to display pictures of the sightseeing spots and maps.

Available Resources

Teams were provided with android robots, middleware, and several module softwares to support the development of their dialogue systems. Additionally, hardware specifications, evaluation from customer feedback, and the criteria for the preliminary round were detailed.

Preliminary Round

The preliminary round evaluation involved actual customers interacting with the dialogue systems at travel agency locations, considering impression evaluation and plan feasibility. Customer feedback was assessed based on informativeness, naturalness, satisfaction, and other criteria. The evaluation results and the selection of top teams were discussed, highlighting the use of a baseline system using GPT-4, a large-scale language model developed by OpenAI.

Overview of Dialogue Systems Developed by Participating Teams

A detailed overview of the dialogue systems developed by each participating team was provided, focusing on the use of LLMs, dialogue scenarios, customer relationship-building, and specific strategies employed by each team.

Final Round

The upcoming final round of the competition was briefly mentioned, wherein dialogue systems will be evaluated by designated dialogue researchers and tourism industry experts.


The paper concluded with a summary of the top teams’ performance in the preliminary round and the significance of the two evaluation factors in assessing overall system performance.


The paper provides comprehensive information about the DRC2023 competition, but it primarily presents an overview of the competition and its preliminary round. A deeper analysis of the specific technical advancements and challenges faced by the participating teams would enhance the paper’s insights. Additionally, while the customer feedback evaluation process was detailed, further discussion on the technical evaluation by dialogue researchers and industry experts in the final round would provide a more balanced perspective on the dialogue systems’ performance.


Model gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
Date Generated 2024-02-26
Abstract http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.03547v1
HTML https://browse.arxiv.org/html/2401.03547v1
Truncated False
Word Count 5677